Mero Sano Muralimaa - Meena Niraula

मेरो सानो मुरलीमा - मीना निरौला

Recorded live during 'Paleti with Karma Yonjan - January 2010'

सङ्गीत: कर्म योञ्जन
शब्द: मंजुल
मूल गायन: कुमार सुब्बा


मेरो सानो मुरलीमा मेरो देश नअट्ला
तर मेरो मुरलीले भाखा राखूँ भन्छ
मेरो सानो मुटुभित्र मेरो देश नअट्ला
तर मेरो दश औँलीले देशै ढाकूँ भन्छ

सुनाखरी फुलूँ भन्छ सुनगाभा फुलूँ भन्छ
गुराँसको जोबन मेरो लालुपाते हाँसूँ भन्छ
वेणी र त्रिवेणी देशसँग मिलूँ भन्छ

बादलुले उडूँ भन्छ पखेरामा गुडूँ भन्छ
आकाशले अडूँ भन्दा पर्वतले बढूँ भन्छ
डाँफेचरी माथिमाथि हिमालमा चढूँ भन्छ


Mero sano muralima mero desh na atla
Tara mero muralile bhaakhaa raakhu bhanchha
Mero sano mutubhitra mero desh na atla
Tara mero dash aunlile deshai dhaku bhanchha

Sunakhari phulu bhanchha sunagabha phulu bhanchha
Guransako jobana mero lalupate hansu bhanchha
Weni ra triweni deshasanga milu bhanchha

Badalule udu bhanchha pakherama gudu bhanchha
Aakashle adu bhanda parwatle badhu bhanchha
Danphechari mathimathi himalma chadhu bhanchha


My country may not fit inside my small flute
But my flute says it wants to blow a melody
In my small heart my country may not fit
But my ten fingers yearn to embrace the entire country

Sunakhari* says it wants to blossom as does Sungava*
The Gurans* flower my youth, Lalupate* wants to smile
Beni* and Triveni* wants to merge
With the entire nation
Clouds say they want to fly
And roll along the cliffs
When the sky desires to stay still
The mountains urge to move ahead
While the Danfe* wants to climb
Higher up in the Himalayas

*Sunakhari: A Variety of Orchid
*Sungava: A Variety of Orchid
*Gurans: Rose/Rhododendron
*Lalupate: Poinsettia
*Beni: A river
*Triveni: A river
*Danphe: Lophophorous